Imagine that you are a nurse in intensive care, alone with the patient. You need to adjust the respirator, but this particular machine is new to you. What do you do? Call and wake your support person? Leave the patient? No, you use Unifractal to get the help you need.
A carpenter puts on a pair of gloves from the packs lying by the entrance. He does not know the difference between them, and picks the most comfortable ones. In two hours he will slip and grab onto a razor-sharp ventilation tube. Did he pick the cut-proof gloves?
The solution
Unifractal gives your employees access to the information they need, when and where they need it. It’s the learning tool your employees WANT to use!
“There are 6.9 million workplace accidents in the EU every year on average - many of these can be avoided with proper training”
Why Unifractal?
Super fast and easy to make and manage content from inside the app
Access content quickly from our app, webapp, or admin dashboard
Find info about what’s in front of you with visual search! (No need for QR codes stuck on things)
Easily share instructions with everyone who needs it before they need it
Uncover our red flags.
Who makes the content? High barrier to entry? - Solved by expanding in few industries at a time and using a sharing culture to provide new customers with existing content
Uncover our green flags.
Item description
Our team has the mix of backgrounds to make this product work. We’re uniquely positioned as an innovative micro-learning platform. Our focus has always been to make it as easy as possible for users to both view and create content that should be easy to update. Your training content no longer has to be completely outdated a year after it’s created - just update it in seconds!
Music industry
Teaching in higher education
8 year developer experience
Experience with SaaS platforms
Business developer
Change management