Hate speechonline has become an increasing problem for our democracy and free speech.

Newspapers have to close their comment sections, and female influencers are routinely announcing that they are being harassed and abused.


The solution

We have made an AI-model that detects which comments that breach the given guidelines of a customer. We have also made a web app with a simple dashboard where the user can see the AI-models assessment of each comment and decide to remove, reply, or accept the comment. 

Signed pilot customers:


2024 customer goal:


2024 ARR goal:


Why is this important?

Companies, content creators and others with chats, comment sections etc. have to use a lot of resources and costs doing manual moderating, also in combination with word filters that often are insufficient at catching what comments actually should be removed.

6/10 Norwegians
say they are hesitant of partaking in debates online. 

With our AI system, our customers:

  • Don’t have to constantly scour comment sections, tracking toxic content 

  • Can keep comment sections open longer, increasing their visibility 

  • Will have a better debate climate, improving reputation 

  • Interact with their customers in meaningful ways 


Safer online experience

Less closed comment sections

Freedom of speech

2/10 Norwegians
say they have completely stopped partaking in online debates. 

Uncover our red flags.

  • While our platform is innovative, we acknowledge our team's limitation in scaling marketing efforts. With an investor having the right network and marketing insights, we can effectively navigate this challenge.

Uncover our green flags.

  • Even in our early stages, our revenue model has proven effective, generating a consistent monthly profit and showcasing our platform's potential.

  • Our product has already been shown to give our customers value in regard to saving time, resources and letting them keep more comment sections open. This is an indicator that our AI-model works. We have also received feedback that the way we have solved the GUI alone has given our customers great value.


Abdera started as an AI research project at UiT, revealing the technology’s potential. Dialogue with local and national newspapers further revealed that they are in desperate need of our product. 

Newspapers are barely keeping up with the barrage of hate speech flooding their comment fields. Female influencers are routinely announcing publicly that they are being harassed and abused. Combating this is extremely resource intensive, and it is obvious that censorship is not working. Censorship will often yield the opposite effect of what was originally intended.  This is Abdera, a key player in the fight towards a civilized online society where freedom of speech is protected. We are building the future for online moderation for newspapers, influencers, social media.  

  • CEO and sales

    Finance, economy, and project management background. Experience with developing a product from scratch.

  • CTO and software development

    Master’s degree in informatics from UiT.

  • Lead machine learning engineer

    Master’s degree in Machine Learning form UiT.

Find more info on our website